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A strong logo is a marketing and branding powerhouse, but its effectiveness hinges on relevance. Regular logo redesigns ensure your brand stays fresh and resonates with your audience. 

So, why and how do you do a logo redesign? 

A logo redesign revitalizes your brand image to stay relevant and competitive. Start by assessing your current logo’s effectiveness, then collaborate with a designer to create a fresh, modern look that aligns with your brand’s values and goals.

Consider a refresh when your logo no longer reflects your brand or fails to attract new customers. It will be a strategic move to stand out and elevate brand perception.

In this blog, we will identify logos that need a redesign, provide a guide to redesigning a logo, and discuss famous examples of redesigned logos.

Logos That Need To Redesign

Redesigning a logo is important, but many people mistake it for a logo refresh. Let’s discuss the key differences between logo refresh and logo redesign.

Logo Refresh

A logo refresh is when you modify some aspects of your logo, such as the color, font, or shape of the existing logo.

In this case, you don’t change the logo’s complete outlook but its minor elements to make it more authentic and functional.

While refreshing your brand, remember not to add something new to the logo but to improve the appearance of the existing elements.

You can delete unnecessary elements from your logo design, but you should avoid deleting the main component of your brand identity.

Logo Redesign

Redesigning a logo generally means starting from scratch. You must learn new concepts, explore the market, and design a logo.

While there are many perks to redesigning a logo, there are also many disadvantages. A famous example is Gaps, which changed its logo unannounced and faced a brutal backlash.

By redesigning a logo, you risk losing your audience and brand identity. That’s why changing your logo is recommended only when it’s crucial.

Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Redesign A Logo

You need to ask yourself these questions before you send your logo for redesign. You should redesign a logo if the answer to any of these is yes.

  • Have you changed or added your service or product?
  • Has your audience changed? Or are you looking for a new audience?
  • Has your logo failed to portray your brand’s identity?
  • Has your logo been unable to pass the test of time?
  • Has your logo become outdated?
  • Have your competitors defeated you in the marketing game?

Now that you know what the issue is with your logo, it’s time to redesign it.

3 Things To Do Before You Redesign A Logo

We now know why your logo needs to be redesigned, but before we discuss how to redesign a logo, let’s keep these points in focus.

  1. Keep Your audience in mind. You don’t want to upset your audience by forcing an ugly logo on them.
  1. Your logo should not be time-bound. Try to opt for a more conventional design instead of a trendy one before trends change frequently. 
  1. Remember your brand’s purpose and morals. Your logo should elevate your brand’s awareness and visibility.

Let’s Redesign A Logo

Firstly, you need to remember why you are changing the logo. Remember the need! 

Secondly, you should decide what elements of your logo to preserve and what elements you want to change and draw a logo.

Thirdly, you should understand the 7 elements of creating an ultimate logo design because that will help you create an impactful logo.

Fourthly, you must study the different types of logos, color, shape, and font psychology.

After that, you should design a logo and then ask for feedback on your logo design.

5 Helpful Tips To Redesign a Logo

Now that you have your newly redesigned logo all ready, here are 5 tips you should follow before publishing it.

  1. Create hype. Don’t just upload your logo on a random day. Curate your audience’s minds before the big reveal, which might help you gain a wider audience.
  1. Create multiple versions of your logo design. Don’t stick to just one logo; experiment and make different design versions.
  1. Test your logo. Make sure your logo passes the test of time and the test of the grayscale version and is legible. 
  1. Make sure your logo has evolved and not revolved because it’s human nature to despise change, and a sudden and complete logo change might trigger it in your audience.
  1. Ensure your logo is scalable, flexible, simple, crisp, and clear. Test different designs and experiment with different coloring and fonts before you decide on the final logo.

Examples of Famous Logo Redesigns

Let’s look at a few famous logo redesign examples.


Pepsi understood the assignment of redesigning and redesigned its logo to make it more composed, elegant, and updated.


Amazon changed its logo to make it more appealing. They added unique elements like arrows from A to Z to show they have everything.


Apple understood the logo’s lack of scalability and decided to make it more composed so that it would look good on different canvases and be more versatile.


You should redesign your logo to better adapt to the change, grasp more of the audience, improve your brand perception, and make it more relevant.

While redesigning a logo, you must consider your audience, the brand’s morals, identity, industry, and competitors.

Ensure your logo is coherent, composed, simple, and versatile, or hire an expert to handle all these elements.

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David Peters

David Peters is a seasoned professional in the world of graphic design, specializing in the art of logo design. With a remarkable decade of experience at "Vince Logo Design," David has honed his skills and expertise, becoming a prominent figure in the field.

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