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Have you heard about manifestation? People believe brand positioning is where you want to see your brand, but it is the position your brand has established.

Brand positioning is not just a strategy; it’s a crucial one. It’s about creating a unique, memorable, and distinct memory in people’s minds. It makes your brand different and stands out.

Let’s focus the spotlight on the central questions: What is brand positioning’s goal, and what does it mean?

What Is Brand Positioning? 

Brand positioning expresses how the brand differs from its competition by depicting its mission and values to the customers.

Brand positioning is an effective method of communicating the brand’s benefits and qualities to customers. It blends the art of communication and consumer psychology to broadcast the brand to a specific market segment and align marketing strategy.

Brand positioning involves evaluating the market, researching competitors, identifying the USPs, and applying marketing and branding.

What Are The Goals Of Brand Positioning?

After clearing, define brand positioning. Let’s discuss the main goals that you can achieve through brand positioning. 

Differentiate Brand Identity

Brand positioning enables you to build a brand that is distinct from others and has a different identity. With every passing minute, there is a new business opening, and to remain relevant, one must differ from others.

Clear Value

By vocalizing your values, you can inform customers about what you are selling and why. This will also help them choose you because you will tell them why you are best suited.


It will help you to build a connection with your audience. You can promote the feelings you wish customers to associate with you by using different shapes in the logo design.


By brand positioning, you can reduce the chances of defamation. If your brand is ranked higher, people will be willing to ignore the whispers of defamation, thinking of them as ridiculous rumors.


By brand positioning, you can easily price your product. As a startup, you might have to sell at a lower price; after some experience, you can sell at an average price; after being a high-scale brand, you can charge more for the brand equity.


Due to high brand positioning, your audience will grow, and to fulfill their requirements, you might need to open more branches and franchises that can help you expand your brand.

4 Ways To Improve Brand Positioning

These are four well-proved ways to improve the position of the brand.

Perceptual Marketing

You can improve brand positioning by representing customers‘ perceptions of a brand on one side and competitors on the other. Place the brand on the graph in two dimensions. 

Allocate quality, price, utility, luxury, and audience, identify market gaps, understand the competition landscape, and differentiate. This will help you plan strategies to reposition the brand more favorably to customers.

Build and Commit To Personality

You can commit to brand voice and personality, define communication with the target market, and tell people the kind of personality your brand embodies. Use color psychology to identify the shades that best suit your brand to make a compelling theme.

Maintain Consistency

Post constantly and be visible to your audience to grab their attention. By marketing your brand, you can boost sales, attract new customers, and retain old customers.

Make Targeted Decisions

The key to successful branding is leaving your perception at home and thinking through other’s minds. Ensure all your decisions are targeted to customers and not your likeliness.

Why Is Brand Positioning Important?

According to Phillip Kottar, the key to brand positioning is targeting the audience.

“The act of designing the company’s offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the mind of the targeted market”

Brand positioning ties your business vision with identity, goals, and product image. It helps you target customers, analyze competitors, and build your company. It also helps you identify customers’ demographics, geographics, financial, social, and psychological personas.

Questions You Can Ask

By following these queries, you can quickly resolve your customers’ issues.

  • What problems do they have?
  • What will be the perfect solution to their problems?
  • Which product can address their concern?
  • What are you focusing on?
  • What are the benefits customers can get from your business or products?
  • Why should they choose you?
  • Who are your competitors?
  • What are their strength and weakness?
  • What is their approach to work?
  • What do they offer?
  • How do we market the product?

Types Of Brand Positioning Strategies

Let’s review different brand positioning strategies so you can choose the one that will work best for you.

Customer Service Positioning Strategy

In this strategy, you can leverage customer service to attract customers and bid high prices. People will be willing to pay more for exceptional customer service. For this strategy to work, you must provide top-notch customer service, be helpful, and respond quickly. 

Convenience-Based Positioning Strategy

In this strategy, you can show how your company or product is more convenient than your competitors. You can create a user-friendly website and provide a user guide for each product.

Price-Based Positioning Strategy

In this strategy, you can use the price to your benefit, promote or advertise your product as the most affordable product on the market, and capture the customers’ eyes.

Quality-Based Positioning Strategy

In this strategy, you can advertise your product as the best quality or finest. It will help you to promote your brand with the promise of quality.

Differentiation-Based Positioning Strategy

In this strategy, you can state how you differ from your competition and portray their weakness as your strength. This will raise customer awareness about how you are better for them.

Social Media Positioning Strategy

This strategy lets you connect with the audience, introduce new trends, promote your values, and boost your visibility.

Tips For Boosting Brand Positioning

By comprehending these tips, you can easily elevate brand positioning.

1. Create a brand essence chart with attributes, benefits, personality, authority, and support.

2. Determine the current branding position.

3. Conduct market research.

4. Identify the competition.

5. Explore customer’s perception.

6. Identify a unique value proposition.

7. Build a brand positioning framework.

8. Create a position statement.

9. Build an emotional connection.

10. Promote your brand as favorable, credible, and unique.


Brand positioning helps you identify the essence of the brand. It states how your audience feels about you and how your brand is perceived.

Promoting your brand’s values, identity, mission, equity, and loyalty is a great branding strategy. Hiring a branding agency to elevate brand positioning is always a good idea.

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David Peters

David Peters is a seasoned professional in the world of graphic design, specializing in the art of logo design. With a remarkable decade of experience at "Vince Logo Design," David has honed his skills and expertise, becoming a prominent figure in the field.

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